i'll never wish 2 b a monkey..
can't do their own work perfectly..
they prefer 2 do other people's work..
in MALAY we called "kerja orang terhegeh2 plak nk buat"...
and most of other person work does not meet our taste...
so that is better for us to beeee...........
tahu menutup mulut sendiri...
tahu menutup telinga sendiri...
tahu menutup mata sendiri....
tahu membezakan yang mana perlu dibuka, yang mana perlu ditutup..
bersesuaian dgn situasinya...
kerana.. sesungguhnya KATAK tahu membuat "kerja"nya sendiri...
b like KATAK
everything is DEPEND on our-self
when somebody condemn me, i close my ears,
when somebody hate me, i close my eyes,
when somebody scold me, i close my mouth
then i'll b a better person though!!!
~~mengarut kerana serabut~~
~~this is better than mencarut~~
~~serabut hilang~~
~~hati pun senang~~